The rite of amazing exorcism in Colombia
Brother Hermes" - so yourself Hermes Cifuentes - the last 20 years helping fellow countrymen to get rid of unwanted supernatural beings.
Next, look in the release of photographs taken during the rite of exorcism, which still remains a popular tool for the treatment of mental diseases in Colombia.

1. On photo - 28-year-old Claudia Gaviria, who is believed around, obsessed with demons. The picture was taken during the rite of exorcism on June 1 in the town of La Cumbre, which is located in the Colombian department of Valle del Cauca.

2. 50-year-old Hermes Cifuentes, or "Brother Hermes," as he calls himself, for the past two decades, helping their fellow countrymen to get rid of demons and other uninvited supernatural beings.
3. Brother Hermes at work - during the expulsion of evil spirits of the 28-year-old Claudia Gaviria. The rite of exorcism still remains popular in Colombia means of treatment for mental illness.
4. Crosses made of scrap materials, lime fruit, and eggs - these are some of the tools that Brother Hermes uses to expel evil spirits.
5. According to Hermes, each week it becomes no less than ten people who want to get rid of the disease or get rid of ghosts.
6. Another possessed during the ritual of exorcism - 55-year-old Eduardo Moreno. Representations of exorcism have an ancient history and are part of the system of beliefs in many religions and cults.
7. The doctrine of the evil or good spirits, inspiring people, and how they drive out there in shamanism long before.Christianity. However, Christians believe, based on the Bible, that the first exorcist was Jesus Christ, who healed many possessed
8. Another patient Brother Hermes - 52-year-old Lily Roseau, which is itself believed that possessed by evil spirits and so I decided to ask for help to ekzortsistru.
9. Exorcism includes the following steps / rituals:
- Clarification of the way in which the devil has got into a man.
- Determining the name of casting out the spirit.
- Read your prayers.
- Sprinkling holy water.
10. The rite of exorcism came long before Christianity, and in the world today exists in many different denominations. Currently, the Catholic Church prepares exorcists at the University Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum. Exorcisms do not deny, and Orthodox Christians, calling the rite otchitkoy, although the practice otchitki (exorcism) to the last time was extremely rare and exotic. The Orthodox Church has always followed the Savior's words: "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting" (Matt. 17, 21), then there is a strict ascetic life.
11. Exorcism is also known in Islam called "the expulsion of the genie," ritual is very similar to the Christian. In Judaism there is a tradition of exile dibbuka. Dibbuk - the soul of the offender or the wicked, who can not leave the Earth and forced to dwell in another person.
12. Modern medicine considers the obsession as a special case of mental disorder. So-called obsession inherent in the classic symptoms of hysteria, mania, psychosis, Tourette syndrome, epilepsy, schizophrenia or split personality. In the case of split personality 29% "alter ego" see themselves as "demons." In addition, there is a form of monomania (a kind of paranoia), which is called cacodemonomania or demonopatiya in which the patient believes he is possessed by one or more demons. Occurring healing through exorcism, scientists associated with the placebo effect and auto-suggestion. Some people who saw themselves as "obsessed", in fact, suffered from narcissism and low self-esteem and act as a "demon-possessed, to draw attention to himself.


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